The 2014 IRS Data Book

Yesterday the IRS released the 2014 IRS Data Book which summarized IRS activity from 10-01-13 through 09-30-14.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said: "Fiscal year 2014 marked the fourth consecutive year IRS appropriations were rdeuced".   Commissioner Koskinen also said: "With fewer resources, we saw decreases in the number of audits completed:.

During the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 the IRS examined (audited) less than 1 percent of all tax returns filed.

The 2014 IRS Data Book showed that approximately 33,000 taxpayers, out of 1.4 million examined, did not agree with the IRS examiner's determination.

I have the experience, knowledge, and skill to repesent you in an audit.

Please call me, Richard A. Perlman, Enrolled Agent, at 702-589-7557, for audit representation.

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